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This picture was captured at the stethoscope ceremony August 2017 


My name is De’Aaricka Wilkes and I am currently a senior in the College of Nursing at the University of South Carolina (on the distance campus of Lancaster). I decided to attend the Lancaster campus due to the family-oriented environment and being able to commute a short distance from home. Between clinical and classwork, I am constantly busy working hard to obtain my degree in May 2019. Over the course of my collegiate career I have been involved in several activities such as the USCL Research Club, Student Nurses Association, and serving as a Peer Advisor Leader. All of these opportunities have allowed me to develop my interpersonal and communication skills aiding in my success as a future nurse. Being a peer advisor has been such a rewarding experience. I have built relationships with students from different states and the students on campus know they have an ally and an advocate. I pride myself in knowing that I have impacted lives on campus and strive to do the same as a nurse with every patient I encounter.


The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but significance, and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning - Oprah Winfrey 

After graduating, I plan on working in a hospital for a few years to gain some much-needed experience and solidify my skills. I would love to travel and then obtain a doctorate degree to become a nurse educator.  Educating future nurses will be one of the ways I plan to give back. As a first-generation college student, I understand the importance of having a degree in such an evolving society. The past few years have instilled even more confidence, perseverance, and humility within me that continually shape me into the woman I’m destined to become.







Nursing school has taught me how to be strong and persevere despite the difficulties I may be facing. Although pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree has not been the easiest goal, I have never been so determined to complete something in my life. I must constantly remind myself that quitting is not an option. I have learned that the difficulties and obstacles along the way are a part of the journey. After losing my grandmother last year, I started to look at life in a different manner. Before I was very straightforward and not truly enjoying the life I was given – all work and no play.  I gave no time to truly understand who I was or who I am becoming, but ultimately longing to understand what purpose I’m destined to fulfill in life. It wasn’t until after losing my grandmother that I began to look at spirituality in a different manner. Once I had convinced myself that she had fulfilled her purpose on this earth I began to cope better. I stopped allowing her physical absence to drain me mentally and emotionally and started trusting that everything I’m going through is all a part of the journey to fulfilling my very own destiny.


Group picture of the PALS taken Fall 2018

Photo Credits: Shana Dry 


I am pursuing the Professional and Civic Engagement GLD pathway because nursing school has provided me with numerous opportunities to evolve including using therapeutic communication to improve patient outcomes. Also I have found that utilizing the cognitive reframing framework during difficult moments has transformed my intellectual mindset within myself and patients. Being able to influence others is a part of the reason the democratic leadership style is frequently incorporated into nursing. These learning experiences connect directly to my leadership section in which I suggest creating a peer mental health group on the USCL campus.


Nurses are leaders in a variety of ways, but these qualities are mostly seen when advocating for patients and working diligently to improve their overall health. Participating in GLD has allowed me to reflect on my personal growth over the last four years. Revisiting the memories of some of the happiest and saddest moments of my life have driven me to be more appreciative of the obstacles and triumphs. Every aspect of our life has a purpose, a lesson, or hidden opportunities – its up to us to discover who we truly are through the  journey.

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