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Hi, my name is De'Aaricka Wilkes and I am currently a student at the University of South Carolina Lancaster. I will be graduating with my Associates in Science degree in the upcoming weeks. Recently, I was accepted into the College of Nursing and will be working on making my dreams a reality this upcoming fall. I plan to graduate with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing degree and return to school shortly after to obtain my doctorate degree, either a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) or a PhD. I am a very complex , DEDICATED, and outgoinG individual who aims to be successful while reaching my full potential in life. I strongly believe that hard work pays off, and I continuously remind myself of that whenever I become discouraged about nursing school. Attending USCL has provided me with an immense amount of opportunities that have helped me evolve as an individual and challenge myself in ways I didn't believe were possible. One of my most rewarding opportunities so far has been my involvement in the RESEARCH lab on campus.

"My mission in life is not merely to survive but to thrive; and to do so with some     passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style" - Maya Angelou

Whenever someone asks me how I became involved in research I always say: I didn't choose research, research chose me. After hearing about how Graduation with Leadership Distinction looks good on transcripts and sets you apart from other individuals, I immediately wanted to become involved. The initial pathway I had in mind was community service but that all changed when the student life coordinator suggested the idea of research as being my pathway. At first, I was a little skeptical because I had no idea of what the Research  pathway consisted of but was up for the challenge. One of my main goals for my collegiate career is to be involved. I want to use every opportunity presented to me and continuously learn and challenge myself. By being more involved I have learned to break the communication barrier and open up to individuals and create new friendships and relationships. When things get a little tough I work my way through it by using a little deductive reasoning all while remaining true to myself and the values I uphold as a nursing student. When I begin clinical this fall the concept of nonmaleficence will be more important than ever before. By participating in research I have become a more confident person. I am now willing to accept new challenges without being afraid to fail. I have grown in so many ways and I believe Research provided me with experiences that have expanded my horizons. The GLD process has allowed me to reflect on my personal growth and I have become more appreciative of the obstacles I have faced and the success that follows because they have made me a better individual.

The Science & 

Mathematics University

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